1·The way of zero flow acquisition is finished.
2·If the file begins with a delimiter, the node treats the (zero length) file contents preceding that delimiter as a record and propagates an empty record to the flow.
3·Often used in capital budgeting, IRR is the interest rate that makes net present value of all cash flow equal zero.
4·Project Zero includes a discussion of the process of creating flow activities in detail (see Resources below).
Project Zero包含了一个关于创建流活动的流程的详细讨论(参见下面的参考资料)。
5·A scenario is a "thread" through the use case -- i.e. the basic flow plus zero or more alternate flows.
6·And, if you take a vector field where maybe everything is rotating, a flow that's just rotating about some axis, then you'll find that its divergence is zero.
7·But, if a field is fairly simple, you should be able to get some general feeling for whether your answer should be positive, negative or zero just by thinking about which way is my flow going.
8·It introduces speech recognition system based on interval data of passing zero, refers some crucial technology and the design flow of the system.
9·With the lowest flow resistance (virtually zero).
10·The static pressure is greatest where gas flow is zero, that is, at the front of the motor.